In the vast and post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76, microscopes are classified as junk items but serve as crucial components for crafting various essential items, including crystal, fiber optics, gears, and glass. These items are vital for progressing through the game and overcoming its challenges. Here's a detailed guide on where to find microscopes in Fallout 76, helping you maximize your gameplay experience.

Key Locations for Microscopes

1. AVR Medical Center

  • Number of Microscopes: 7

  • Location Details: Three microscopes are located in the basement room with the blood sampling terminal, while the remaining four are scattered across two other rooms within the facility.

2. Arktos Pharma Biome Lab

  • Number of Microscopes: 7

  • Location Details: Six microscopes are found in the lab itself, and one is located in the basement, which requires a passcode to access.

3. Ella Ames' Bunker

  • Number of Microscopes: 6

  • Location Details: This bunker is one of the best places to farm microscopes quickly. It is located in The Mire region and offers a scrap station nearby for convenience.

4. West Tek Research Center

  • Number of Microscopes: 5

  • Location Details: As a research center, it's a prime spot for finding microscopes due to its focus on scientific research.

5. Morgantown High School

  • Number of Microscopes: 4

  • Location Details: Microscopes can be found in a science classroom. From the main entrance, head right, down the stairs, and then left, marked by a pumpkin drawing on the wall.

6. Morgantown Airport

  • Number of Microscopes: 3

  • Location Details: Located in the medical hangar on the northwestern side of the airfield. One microscope is upstairs, and two are downstairs.

7. Other Locations

  • Watoga Shopping Plaza, Clarksburg, Black Mountain Ordnance Works, Flatwoods, Silva Homestead, Abandoned Mine Shaft 5, Mount Blair Trainyard, Hornwright Estate, Pylon V-13, Hunter's Shack, Thunder Mountain Power Plant Yard, Crater, Wade Airport, Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant, Braxson's Quality Medical Supplies: Each of these locations has one microscope.

Additional Tips for Finding Microscopes

  • Hospitals and Research Centers: These are reliable places to find microscopes due to their medical and scientific nature.

  • Schools and Libraries: Microscopes can sometimes be found in science classrooms and libraries.

  • Crates and Containers: While less reliable, microscopes can occasionally be found in crates and containers scattered throughout the game world.

In the vast world of Fallout 76, understanding how to manage and utilize various Fallout 76 items, including junk that can be repurposed for crafting, is key to survival. This especially holds true for materials like glass and gears, which are often derived from items like microscopes. By strategically scavenging for these items at key locations, you can optimize your inventory with the resources needed to overcome challenges and enhance your gameplay experience.


Finding microscopes in Fallout 76 is crucial for crafting essential items and progressing through the game. By focusing on key locations like the AVR Medical Center, Arktos Pharma Biome Lab, and Ella Ames' Bunker, you can efficiently collect these valuable resources. Remember to explore hospitals, research centers, schools, and libraries, as well as checking crates and containers for additional finds. Happy hunting!