Tibet trekking is another way to visit Tibet as it provides a unique and closer encounter with the culture and spirituality of Tibet. On Tibetan Plateau, you will feel the charm of Tibetan Buddhism, explore its natural beauty, and get acquainted with the nomadic herders of Tibet as well as their traditional way of life.

Trekking Everest is a suitable route for all those people who have a taste for walking and a normal physical shape. It is not a trek for mountaineers or expert mountaineers, it is a trip for all those people with a taste for walking in nature and who want to immerse themselves in the world of the Sherpa people, of the monasteries lost in the mountains, the caravans of yaks and the great mountains of the earth.

where is mount Everest

 Mount Everest is located on the border between China and Nepal. The northern slope is in Tingri County of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, and the southern slope is in the Kingdom of Nepal. 

Everest base camp weather

Due to the special geographical environment of Mount Everest, the altitude of Everest Base Camp is high. The ground is covered with snow all year round, and the temperature is low. There might have sunshine, blizzard, and hailstones in a single day! Check the weather in advance to prepare for it. 

It is a trek that takes place at a considerable altitude for which a correct acclimatization process is necessary. We design the itinerary so that acclimatization to the altitude is as simple as possible.
The Everest Trek can be done from October to May. The months of October and November along with Easter are the seasons in which we usually have our group outings, however, if these dates do not suit you we can organize this trip for two people at any time of the year. A small group is more agile and from two people we can help you fulfill the dream of visiting the Himalayas.
In this option, we propose a somewhat cheaper trip in which the meals during the Tibet hiking are not included, after all the lodges where we stay throughout the Trekking function as restaurants with their menu (Very limited) of dishes, so that you yourself can choose each day what you want to eat.

MORE INFO: Everest base camp temperature