First, observe the two poles and see if the joint of the two poles is two non-collinear joints and there is no load. If the above two points are met, the two poles are zero poles.

Second, determine whether the nodes of the two lenses are not collinear.

Third, for a three-stroke, if the three-stroke node is loaded on one stroke and the two strokes are in a straight line, the third stroke is a zero stroke.

Fourth, the relatively symmetric aluminum stage truss, if it is under the action of symmetrical load, and there is no load on the K-shaped axis of symmetry, it indicates that the inclined rebar at this node is zero rebar.

The classification and refinement of trusses, stage truss is a very important special type of product, which can facilitate comprehensive design according to the needs of the site to ensure that the goal of convenient practical application can be achieved. Its good function and the basis of design and application are important. The role itself plays a particularly important role in meeting the needs of different engineering constructions and ensuring the safety of the stage. In particular, the complete special design specifications are convenient for installation and application, which is of great significance.