The Golden Gate Bridge is a one-mile-long suspension bridge, which proves an artistic and stunning technological achievement up to date. It was constructed in San Francisco in 1937, after five years of work. The bridge was meant to connect San Francisco and Marin County. The project was proposed in 1872 but was then rejected. In 1921 Joseph Strauss submitted a proposal for the construction of the bridge whose budget was about $35 million. Strauss was recognized as a leader in the bridge construction with many other consulting engineers. Despite the severe obstacles, technology and human determination allowed the erection of the longest suspension bridge of the time and as a main theme of great essays

There were many challenges that accompanied the construction of the bridge. Firstly, there was opposition to the construction with many lawsuits against it. The War Department of the U.S. feared that the bridge might entrap the military ships in the Bay if bombed during a war. Also, ordinary people were discontent with the government’s high expenses for the project. Others were claiming that the bridge would tamper with the beauty of the strait. However, the issues were resolved through the favorable court rulings that helped to get the bridge approved and also the enabling acts that the state legislature passed, which facilitated the operation and construction.

Another challenge was tides and storms. The water movement is rapid there because the Bay constitutes an estuary of numerous streams running down from the surrounding mountains. This posed a threat to the workers and the entire crew and questioned the possibility of building the world’s longest span of 4200 feet. The problem was resolved by ensuring that strong cables were used that could withstand the strong winds and storms inherent in the region.

Rust and corrosion was also another challenge that engineers had to deal with. Painting the main cables was done to ensure the protection. The bridge was painted in an orange vermilion color, which compliments surrounding natural environment and enhances the visibility of the bridge even when there is fog in the area.

There were setbacks disrupting the construction of the bridge. Firstly, there were mysterious and troubling ailments collectively referred to as ‘Golden Gate diseases.’ The ailments caused hair and tooth loss and were the result of the vapors that were produced at the construction site that the workers inhaled. The setback was resolved through the use of respirators as a standard equipment on the site.

Secondly, there were attacks on the workers at the Golden Gate Bridge and the city went on a strike, thus construction stopped for a while. That was a time of the Great Depression, and the strike happened because the citizens needed job security and an increment to their wages, claiming that the wages and benefits of the Golden Gate Bridge workers were better. It is hard to believe now but even the brutal conditions of the construction site were a subject of desire of many, especially those thousands who had no jobs. The government took a hard-line position towards the demands at first, however, later the authorities agreed to the negotiation, and the strike ended with the construction being resumed. The bridge that many people believed was impossible, was completed.

In conclusion, despite the opposition of the society and natural factors, the bridge has become not only the embellishment of the scenery but also a part of the history of America. It helped the community to lift itself from the shackles of depression and its construction is an indication of how technology can be used to achieve the dreams of humanity. In my opinion, the bridge is a reminder that any dream is valid and anything can be achieved. It is also a tribute to the concept of community and the daring of those who erected it.